
Steam outage closes on-campus dining services

Dining services on campus at Utah State University will be closed from Sunday until May 14 for the annual maintenance on the university’s steam system.

This work will require the system to be shut down, resulting in non-availability of hot water. Health laws and procedures enacted by the Bear River Health Department require dining services on campus to be closed due to the lack of hot water. The only dining operation that will remain open is The Quickstop in the Taggart Student Center, which will have a limited menu. The hours of The Quickstop are as follows:

Monday – Thursday             7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Friday                                  7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday              Closed

Summer hours will be in place for the University’s Dining Services starting May 14. Additional information and summer hours for all on-campus operations can be found here.

