Strange Student Philosophy


I realize that many students at U.S.U have been harbored in the ultra-conservative state of Utah for most of their lives, but I cannot understand how these students minds shut down when anyone challenges their conservative ideology. We are in college now, it is time for you to begin to think for yourself, challenge what you think you know, and educate yourself. One cannot learn if you shut your mind down to new ideas. If you find out your right GREAT, but at least explore others ideas. For example, many people support Bush to such a unhealthy degree that they begin to attack others when they disagree with him at all. This is not good that these students do not challenge anything President Bush says. The Patriot Act is a REAL threat to our nations freedom and should be given a second look, but many students do not think rationally about this issue because of imbedded political philosphy. I urge all students that cross irrational lines of politics on both sides to come back to reality and think for yourself.

Doug Beazer528356608797-6908