Brigham City

Student Fee Board adds statewide representation

Utah State University is adding four new statewide representatives to the Statewide Student Fee Board. 

Sophia May, the Logan program coordinator for Student Involvement and Leadership, said this addition results from the recent changes requiring technical education students at Blanding, Eastern and Moab to pay statewide campuses’ student fees.  

“The greatest benefit I see is that technical education students will now have a seat at the table and can help understand and educate their constituents on how their student fees are being spent in their regions,” May said.  

The four new positions being introduced are; Blanding Service Region Technical Education Student at Large, Eastern Service Region Technical Education Student at Large, Moab Service Region Technical Education Student at Large, and Technical Education Administrator, to be determined each year.  

“Essentially, students in the tech programs will start paying student fees that get filtered into those same categories that statewide students pay,” said Abe Rodriguez, the 2023-2024 USUSA president-elect. “Since they are now part of the process, we had to ensure they have a say in the fee board.” 

The motion to add these representatives was finalized at a Statewide Fee Board meeting on Feb. 28, led by Rodriguez.   

“Utah Board of Higher Education required all technical education programs to align courses, credits and cost,” Brian Warnick, USU’s department head for technical education said during the Truth in Tuition presentation. “Tuition and student fees are ‘leveled’ for all Utah institutions offering technical certificates.”  

USU has two student fee boards — one board for Logan and one for statewide campuses. 

These boards consist of elected student body officers and are the first step in reviewing which fees should move forward.  

According to USU’s student fee webpage, Logan students pay $458.77 in student fees, along with tuition and housing.  

The fees are broken down into eight categories: An activities fee, athletics fee, Aggie Shuttle fee, buildings fee, Campus Recreation fee, library fee, music and theater fee, and a technology fee.  

The most expensive categories are buildings and athletics. The building fee costs students $152.49 — the athletics fee costs $113.28. However, the athletics fee has been partially moved to tuition.  

Music and theater and the Aggie Shuttle fee were the least expensive. Music and theater cost students $10.58 — the Aggie Shuttle Fee costs students $19.02.  

Statewide student fees cost statewide students only $258. 

“There are several reasons why Logan students may pay more in fees,” USUSA President Clara Alder said during the 2023 Truth in Tuition presentation. “One factor is the size of the campus and the student population. Larger campuses often require more resources and services, leading to higher fees.”  

Student fees will not change for the 2023-2024 school year for both Logan and statewide campuses.  

“There were no increases or decreases approved by both student fee boards. This was made for a historically short meeting,” Alder said at the presentation.

Featured photo by Bailey Rigby