
Student grateful for life, legs

Steve Shinney

JOHN SKIFFNon-matriculated Biology Graduate Student

Caught Where: Merrill LibraryHometown: Price, Utah Favorite Food: ItalianFavorite Music: OldiesHobbies: All Sports

Utah Statesman: Why did you choose to attend Utah State University?

John Skiff: I really like the area. I love the mountains and the availability of the canyons.

US: How would you describe yourself in five words?

Skiff: Good listener; really enjoys life.

US: What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen one campus?

Skiff: The extremes. The extreme right and the extreme left and all the things they do, especially during an election year. And along with that all the letters to the editor they write where you can tell they didn’t do their homework at all.

US: What’s your favorite thing about USU?

Skiff: Right now the class sizes are smaller than at other places. It makes it so you can get closer to the professors than you could at other schools.

US: What’s your least favorite thing?

Skiff: Finals. Normally, I really enjoy studying. It’s just they stress and the pressure of finals I don’t like.

US: What are the last three books you’ve read on your own?

Skiff: Oh, I read a lot, especially the classics. Right now I’m reading a biography on John Paul Jones, I just finished “Slaughter House Five,” which is a political book, and before that it was James Joyce’s “The Dubliners.” I would also recommend “Of Human Bondage” by W Summerset Maughn.

US: What’s a movie you’d recommend?

Skiff: I really like “We Were Soldiers” because my dad served with the same division. I haven’t been to the movies in a year but I did really like the “Lord of the Rings” movies, especially the last one.

US: What would you do with a million dollars?

Skiff: Pay off my bills and get out of debt is the first thing. After that, treat all of my friends to a good time. Spot them a couple of bucks, maybe a few beers.

US: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

Skiff: More understanding between people.

US: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Skiff: That’s a hard question because I just changed. Last winter I had both of my hips replaced and then my knee fixed. I hadn’t walked normally for 10 years. I had been on crutches that whole time so now I’m just happy to walk. Until the newness of that wears off, I wouldn’t change a thing. Once I get used to it though I’m going to work on getting back to where I was before. I’d like to ski again.

US: What was the best day in your life?

Skiff: Definitely when I walked again last year.

US: What happened that put you on crutches for so long?

Skiff: I had a vascular necrosis, which is a condition where all the blood is cut to the joint and the joint slowly dies and arthritis sets in. They had to pull out my hips and replace them with huge titanium ones. It was an extremely painful experience that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

US: What’s your favorite thing about winter?

Skiff: I love winter; it’s my favorite season. I like the snow and I don’t mind the cold.

US: What’s your least favorite part?

Skiff: Driving in it. But right now I walk everywhere that I go so that’s OK.

US: What are your plans for the holidays?

Skiff: Just go home to Price and relax. Look up some old friends. I only get back during the holidays.

US: What would your dream job be?

Skiff: A lab researcher in the medical field. That, or work for NASA in any field. It may be dangerous, but that would be a great way to go – one my way to Mars or something.

US: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Skiff: Here in the United States. Probably back in Colorado. That’s where my family is from. I would go when I was a kid to visit my grandpa and it was amazing. If I could live anywhere, it would be Colorado like it was when I was a kid.

US: Who is your hero?

Skiff: Johnny Unitas. He played quarterback for the Colts back in the day. I really liked his courage. If you needed a touchdown he could get it. He wasn’t blessed with a lot of physical attributes, but he was tough.

US: Did you ever play ball yourself?

Skiff: I did play football in high school. Then I played baseball in Junior College down in Price.

US: What are your plans for next semester?

Skiff: I’m just going to take a couple of classes and apply for grad school here.-steveshinney