Student Health Center’s excellence

I have attended this university for a few years now and in many instanceshave been disappointed in some universitysponsored services. The Cashier’s office and the Registrars office haveoffered me service which is far less than helpful or friendly at times.However, there is one area of campus that I definitely feel needs to berecognized for the exemplary service which they provide to the students ofUSU. The Student Health Center, time and time again, has treated me withrespect, a desire to help, and a genuine caring for me as a student andpatron of their department. I can think of a couple of times where I hadcalled to make an appointment 10 minutes before they close, thinking theywould see me the next day and was greatly surprised that they would staylate to try and get me the care that I needed that day. I have even haddoctors call me at home in the evenings to check on my progress, to see ifthey could do anything else or give me advice on making my illness morecomfortable. Things that are almost unheard of from a physician that I payto see, let alone from a free clinic. I would personally like to thank Dr.Wuthrich MD, Dr. Bullen MD, Dr. Davis MD, Linda Roberts ARNP, Tom PricePAC, and the three nurses who have been very kind, Judy Baldwin, DinneneJensen and Teri Jones. Thank you so much for your excellent service to meand to the students of USU.

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