Students can set up study groups at junction, Lundstrom Hall

Jackee Sharayko

After students complained there were no quiet places to study, Housing and Food Services started a study hall program in the Junction and Lundstrom Student Living Center.

“This will be a quiet place where students can study,” said Patricia Terrell, vice president of Student Services.

The Junction and Lundstrom Center were chosen because they are common areas everyone can access, Steve Jenson, director of Housing, said. Also, the study halls can accommodate a large group of people allowing them to hold study groups that wouldn’t interfere with others who came for the quiet atmosphere.

Along with the large area that encourages students to study more, there is a plan to supply computer data jacks along one wall, where students can hook up their laptops, Jenson said.

Another feature of this plan is on the Housing Web site at www.webbie.hsg.usu.


By going to the Web site, students can access times and sign up for study group meeting in the Junction and Lundstrom Hall. Students can also create new study groups.

“This should provide a great study area,” Jenson said.

Any feedback students have is welcome, Jenson said. All comments and suggestions can be e-mailed to