
Students celebrate Coming Out Day

Michelle Spradling

Utah State University’s Pride! Alliance celebrated National Coming Out Day’s 15th anniversary Friday.

About 30 people gathered in The Hub to hear USU graduate Michael Mitchell speak on discrimination in the workplace, adoption, gay marriage, and coming out. Mitchell is the executive director for Unity Utah, a gay and lesbian political action committee.

“I look at today as Honesty Day. It’s a day to be true to yourself. By not coming out, I’m not being true to myself or honest with you, so why should I walk around lying?” he said.

Kevin Allred, Pride! Alliance secretary/treasurer, said, “National Coming Out Day is similar to Gay Pride Day, a day to be proud of who you are and encourage other people who haven’t come out yet to be open and honest with people in their lives.”

Mitchell encouraged students to get involved politically and to stay open about their sexuality so politicians will be able to identify with the gay community.

“I think once people know a person who is gay, things will begin to shift,” he said.

Cy Martz, Pride! Alliance activities director, said last year on National Coming Out Day, he revealed to his aunt that he is gay.

“I am hoping it does the same thing for a closeted person as it did for me. If we can reach one person and let them know that homosexuality is OK, that is important,” he said.

To coincide with this year’s nationwide theme, “Coming Out Rocks,” Allred performed songs he composed himself, including music on gay love and coming out in a religious family.

Alliance members established a booth in the hallway of the Taggart Student Center with fliers and brochures on issues pertaining to the homosexual population.

“I think National Coming Out Day is important so that the queer individuals are visible to everyone, so stereotypes can be broken and people can realize that gays aren’t just one thing. We’re all just people. It’s not a question of special rights, we just want to be treated equally,” Allred said.

Martz said this year the Pride! Alliance has sponsored a gay film festival and Pride Day, while holding weekly meetings, which consist of social activities, discussions and guest speakers. About 35 students attend each week.

Allred said the Pride! Alliance is working hard to bridge the gaps between people of different sexual orientations.

“We welcome everyone to come. It’s not just for gays, [but] anyone who supports equal rights for everyone. I think it’s really important to have allies that are straight as well,” he said.

In addition, Alliance board members often volunteer at the Gay and Lesbian Resource Center, which is a safe place for students to relax, do homework, socialize or read books and other resources dealing with all aspects of the gay community. The center is located in the Military Science Annex, Room 122.


Kevin Allred, secretary and treasurer of the university´s Pride! Alliance, gave a musical performance for National Coming Out Day, which was celebrated Friday in The Hub. (Photo by Amy Fuller)