Apr. 6, 2018 Logan City Limits-38

Students relieve stress through P.E. classes

Utah State University offers over 75 different physical education classes. Ranging from fly fishing to figure skating, each P.E. class gives students an opportunity to gain unique skills and improve their mental and physical health.

Heather Simmons is a first-year student. With no previous experience, she decided to take the beginning figure skating class at USU.

“I feel like this class has given me the opportunity to kill more than two birds with one stone,” Simmons said. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to figure skate but have never had the money for lessons and gear. This class provides the skates, very skilled coaches, and the rink time needed to grasp all the concepts for the price of $80 in tuition. I have also seen my mental health improve through this class because I am doing something I really like that isn’t academic.”

It is common for college students to experience constantly changing mental health related to stress, anxiety and depression. With new environments, social pressures, financial stress, intense learning environments and stress related to each individual’s future, students can become overwhelmed and stop taking care of themselves both physically and mentally.

However, many students have found USU P.E. classes provide hope for them to take of themselves while still fulfilling their primary role: being a student.

Cole Brighton is a senior majoring in technical engineering. Amongst all the common stressors that senior year brings, Cole has been able to relieve some of that stress through a karate class.

“This year has been very stressful because I’m not just prioritizing my classes, but I’ve had to really start to think about finding a job after graduation,” Brighton said. “I first decided to take karate because I thought it would be a cool thing to learn and I still needed a P.E. credit. But throughout this semester, I have really begun to reap all the benefits that karate gives you. I have really boosted my confidence and have been able to release stress in an unconventional way that I really enjoy.”

P.E. classes have also helped students that are navigating even more than school and extracurriculars. Jamie Madsen is a senior majoring in sports entertainment marketing. Madsen also recently became the mother of a little boy.

“I was so excited to be a mom but navigating parenthood and graduation is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done,” Madsen said. “I have often gone to classes incredibly exhausted and stayed up late to check the boxes of parenthood while continuing to get my assignments and tests done. My yoga class has benefited me more than I ever thought it would. I have been able to still find peace on a crazy day with a crazy schedule filled with so many different possibilities that felt out of my control. My yoga class has given me a moment of peace and reflection that has highly improved my mental health. I always feel more in control of my life after I leave the class.”

According to these students, the variety of unique P.E. classes offered by USU have made the their overall experience better. These classes are an opportunity for students to pick up new skills at a low cost and reduce stress levels.

For more information on each P.E. class, visit the USU course catalog.