Students Run Student Government

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to address the issues raised concerning the Academic Bill of Rights passed by ASUSU. It is important for the student body to understand why I have “led the charge” to repeal this legislation.

When this resolution was presented to ASUSU, I was apprehensive to support a piece of legislation that did nothing to improve existing policies at Utah State. I also felt the authors of this resolution did not adequately research the student and faculty codes regarding this issue and did not evaluate the potential perception this resolution would give to the campus community. Unfortunately, ASUSU passed this resolution without addressing the concerns that I shared with students and faculty alike.

After receiving a number of complaints from my constituents, I began to research whether academic freedom is outlined within university policy. (Note: Faculty Senate does not think the resolution was “silly, unnecessary and ridiculous.” Those in attendance at this meeting would agree the faculty reacted because they were unaware that academic freedom was being challenged.) Immediately, I discovered that Article II and III of the Student Code and Section 403 of the Faculty Code specifically address the protection of academic freedom. Additionally, Article VII of the Student Code details the grievance process available to those who feel they have been discriminated or harassed in any way. After reading the Code, I feel the resolution in its current form is repetitive and should be repealed.

Understanding the limited power ASUSU has to change policy, my recommendation to the Council is to analyze what policy exists and to encourage the university to better educate students of their rights and the process they must follow if their rights have been violated. I am in full support of the spirit of the proposal and the protection of students’ rights. The preservation of academic freedom should always be at the forefront of discourse between students, faculty and administration. I was elected to improve the lives of students and I refuse to waste their time with the passage of weak resolutions.

Stephanie KukicGraduate Studies Vice Presidentspkukic@cc.usu.edu750-7839 home232-2166 cell797-1736 campus