A USU student relating to the latest gripe. Paige Johnson

Students voice complaints at USU Gripe Night

A small crowd gathered in the unlit Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom in the TSC for a night of griping about Utah State University.

 Students voiced the complaints they have with the university on the stage and on MyVoice, a virtual platform for USU students to complain directly to student body officers.

“The university should not be able to build another single structure for academics without significantly fixing the parking situation on campus,” said an anonymous user on MyVoice.

Students at Gripe Night voiced their complaints on stage with student body officers present — that way, student complaints are heard, not ignored.

“Stop selling more parking places than there are spots,” said Katelyn Earnest, a USU student.

A USU student getting passionate about their complaint.

Many students with gripes were concerned about parking, more specifically the lack thereof.

“Parking at the Agricultural Science Building, where the journalism department is located, is only for staff. I have to lug all my camera equipment across campus because I can’t park there,” another anonymous MyVoice gripe stated.

Along the same line as parking, one complaint was about how the parking in front of the ARC is metered parking, so going to the gym is not free for students who drive there.

Students also complained about university-sponsored events, such as Mr. USU and Miss USU.

One student at Gripe Night pointed out the differences between these two events. The Mr. USU event is most often seen as a joke, with contestants being asked silly questions like, “If you were a type of bread, what bread would you be?”

Meanwhile, the questions asked of contestants of Miss USU are more serious questions such as how they will change the university and the community. An anonymous student at Gripe Night said Mr. USU candidates just joke their way into their title.

“The Student Living Center, SLC, needs an elevator. I live on the fourth floor and have a bad knee, so all those stairs can be really hard,” said another anonymous student on MyVoice.

Several different housing concerns were brought up by many students who live on campus.

“Mountain View Tower is the worst thing to ever happen to Utah State housing,” said an anonymous student.

The lack of affordable housing in Logan is horrifying, according to many students. Many students stated that housing prices are skyrocketing and there is “no decent housing left.”


Photos by Paige Johnson