Students win prizes for hours logged
November is Aggies Giving Service (AGS) competition month and features blitz nights with 14 service activities. The three students with the most service hours logged on AGS will be awarded iPads on Dec. 5.
“We’ve tried to provide as many service activities to students as possible throughout the month so they can rack up their hours,” said Mary Taggart, publicist for the Val R. Christensen Service Center. “This whole month is really just to make students aware of the service opportunities that are at their fingertips.”
AGS is a system set up by the the service center to allow individuals, clubs and classes to log service hours and receive a service transcript. The goal of the competition and AGS is to inform students and make service opportunities more accessible to them.
“The main point of AGS is just to promote service,” Taggart said. “The iPad’s great and everything, but we really want to just make the service center as accessible as possible for students. We want them to get excited and to get energized about just service in general.”
Melanie Rossiter helped organize Stuff-A-Bus Night, which took place on Monday. Volunteers loaded onto buses and went to neighborhoods to collect donations for the Cache Community Food Pantry.
“It’s a signature event in the service center,” Rossiter said. “We meet in the Romney Stadium and have two Aggie Shuttles. Different organizations come on different nights, but we encourage everyone to come. It’s the largest drive in Cache Valley so it’s really important for us to get all our volunteers there.”
Members of USU’s Greek organizations signed up for this week’s Stuff-A-Bus. Kevin Meacham, USU/SA service VP, said the Greeks have been helpful with the event in the past and looked forward to their contributions this year.
“They really do so much,” Meacham said. “They’re awesome. They are so fun to work with, very proactive, very volunteer oriented. Just some really great people.”
Hours for the AGS competition can be logged until Dec. 4 at For more information about logging hours or service activities, visit the service center on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center or contact Kevin Meacham at
Twitter: @miss_maddiesue