Summer Cinema: ‘XXX’

Jared Sterzer

For months now Hollywood studios have been trying to bill Vin Diesel as the newest action movie hero. In an era where all the old standbys are pushing around more walkers than psychotic baddies, Diesel is a welcome sight, and the fact that “XXX” is a decent movie doesn’t hurt his current $20 million asking price either. I guess Americans are finally sick of Arnie’s one-liners and Sly’s mumbling.

Diesel is Xander Cage in “XXX,” a tattooed, buff to the max, anti-authority, shaven headed thrill seeker who opens the movie by surfing a stolen car off a 700-foot tall bridge and then parachuting off it at the last minute. He films these exploits and then posts them on the Internet.

Cage, or X as his worshipful admirers call him, is recruited as a reluctant undercover spy by Agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) of the NSA to infiltrate a secretive group known as Anarchy 99. The group, led by a brutal, ex-Russian Army commander named Yorgi (Marton Csokas), is developing a biological weapon to spread chaos throughout the world until “true” freedom is all that is left. Among the group is Yelena (European actress Asia Argento in her first American film), an undercover Russian agent unsure of X’s true motives. Cage, with his astonishing physical and athletic prowess and indifferent attitude, is a perfect, if unlikely (and completely unwilling) candidate.

The end result is a mixture of pulsating music, extreme sport stunts, explosions and impossible motorcycle tricks. Consider it James Bond on speed. Instead of a tuxedo there is a fur-trimmed coat and a frayed muscle shirt. Instead of a Z23 there is a souped up roadster. Instead of martinis there are hard liquor and instead of seductive heiresses there are pole dancing vixens. It’s a spy movie for Generation X replete with rebellion and extreme in every way.

Surprisingly enough, the film was more interesting to watch than a Bond film. Maybe that’s because all of Pierce Brosnan’s adventures seem like all the others. Or maybe it’s because with no other real countries left to spy on Bond has outlived his entertainment value. He was a product of the Cold War and the Communist menace, and without either of those forces to contend with Bond has lost his reason for existence.

The only annoying thing about the movie is its pulsating, eardrum shattering soundtrack. I know it fits the image of the movie, but it makes it uncomfortable to watch. Now don’t misunderstand me, I didn’t like this film because it is a fine piece of cinematography worthy of an Oscar. I like this film because it is a new twist on the spy game. It is exciting and although very unbelievable, you want to believe it and get lost in this extreme universe of muscle and mayhem.

I’m sure kids will leave the theater spewing Dieselian lines like “You’ve got to be kidding me” and “Oh the things I’m going to do for my country.” It may even take the place of “Yeah baby!” and “Oh behave.” Either way, “XXX” is a fun-filled adrenaline rush that has given birth to a new action star.

Grade: B+