Summer job information, interviews to be offered at Tuesday’s job fair

Dana Felsted

Representatives from more than 45 employers will be on the Utah State University campus Tuesday to give students information about finding summer jobs. The USU Student Employment office will host its annual Summer Job Fair Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center Sunburst Lounge. The fair will include employers from camps, resorts and parks located nationwide. USU will also have representatives from Housing and Food Services. The fair will give students an opportunity to meet with employers and get applications and job information. Some employers will be giving on-site interviews or providing opportunities to set up interviews to be held at a later date. Paula Miller, Student Employment coordinator, said participating employers really target USU students because other universities are located in cities that provide more summer employment opportunities. Many of the participants return each year. “The fair has been very successful in the past,” said Miller, who has been involved with the fair for 13 years.