Survey will determine need for child care

Tiffany Erickson

Results from a new survey will help guide decisions made in the location, services provided by and cost of a new child care center.

Student Services is conducting a child care survey for students, faculty and staff with children from birth to six years old.

Janet Osborne, administrative supervisor of the Utah State University Children’s House, said the new location of the campus heating and cooling facility has necessitated the relocation of the Children’s House. The house is currently located north of the Spectrum.

Osborne said the Children’s House is an accredited, early care and education center that provides childcare and learning for faculty, staff and students. She said the center has a window of two to five years to relocate, but they have nearly outgrown the space anyway.

“We want to get an idea of what the population of parents need in terms of services for their children,” Osborne said.

The survey will help answer questions about where to build the new facility, the design and what the age of the majority of the children will be, Osborne said.

“Different ages of children have different needs that will be factors in the design of the new facility,” Osborne said.

Copies of the survey have been sent to Aggie Village and faculty and staff with young children. However, Osborne said it is important to hear from students with children that live off-campus, which are the hardest to reach. Surveys are available on the Web site at,a and will also be available on the first floor of the Taggart Student Center Tuesday.

Her biggest concern is the rate of return, Osborne said.

“We want to put the students first in our decision-making, so feedback is important,” she said.