Survival in very hard times coming.

Letter to SUU –Save $ 5000 Per Month 9/27/2002 $25,000 students at LoganDear Editor: Many of your students know of my warnings about Nuclear War for years past. The pieces of the puzzle are all now beginning to fit so that everyone can see what is about to happen. If readers will listen I can save SUU students $ 5000+ or more each month. In August I received a revelation about the coming war and some more ideas how to help more people. 5000 plus students, each can save at least $1 or more per month. On my web site @ I said we would attack Iraq the first week of November or December. I called a Physics Professor at SUU Doctor Penny, and talked with him to help me understand more of my revelation about helping people during war times when the power is off. I spoke with Brent Sorensen at the SUU Observatory to get the correct Sun angles for Cedar City. Then I computed them for Parowan. Last week Dr. Penny suggested I attend a Convocation on October 3 at Southern Utah University. He said a Professor from BYU was going to speak on Solar power. Perhaps I could learn more from him to help me with the 4 Solar cookers that I have made in September. I have a cooker I made for 40 cents worth of Elmer’s glue and some cardboard boxes; and last week I baked a Betty Crocker Devil’s Food Chocolate Cake in it. It was perfect. Water boils at sea level at 212 degrees. Here at 6000 feet high in Parowan @ 201 degrees because of less air pressure. My cooker boils water @ 230 degrees for 3 hours in the Sunlight. You can cook almost any food in 3 hours in boiling hot water. Try it. Last Friday I cooked potatoes and onions just wrapped in Glad clear ClingWrap plastic wrap. What great flavor! No water added at all.

Maybe some photos and directions will be worth your interest in the future. God works in mysterious ways, he has apparently inspired this BYU Professor also how to help people. Your students need to hear him speak Thursday October 3, 2002. My Vision from 1988 about a “H-bomb” hitting in Iraq that I have told people on my radio programs for years about, and millions have heard me is soon going to happen. See my web site and dozens of revelations with the life saving information ALL FREE!

In the Bible Acts 2:17-19 it says in the last days that God will pour out his spirit on ALL flesh, young and old, male and female. And that they WILL prophesy. I am trying to warn you about the smoke and fire that it talks about that I have seen coming. I want you to live. Alta Vista search engine has my web site in eight different languages for your students native languages. Just search Parowan Prophet and choose your language. I also have information how to make a cheap food dryer on my site. Click on the “Updates” page. Do you really want to live well into the future? Then check out my Web site. Leland Freeborn i.e. The Parowan Prophet

530 words 435-477 8793 ‘unlisted number’ If you have any questions.