One of the most popular social media apps in the world TikTok is rumored to be banned in the U.S.
Tag Archives: trump
The first, and potentially only, presidential debate between presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took place on Sept. 10
Some say the moon landing was faked or Elvis is still alive. Others believe the government is run by lizard
In any epoch, there are countless examples where liberty perished because individuals did not have the courage to stand up
On Wednesday, Jan. 20, Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States. The inauguration ceremony was largely normal.
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The pandemic has been devastating for many Americas both emotionally and financially. The US government has been quite supportive of
The 2020 presidential election has been a disaster. Regardless of who you wanted to win, that much is clear. It
On November 3rd, I stayed awake until 1 a.m. vainly hoping for some idea of who would become or remain
Diplomatic is not a word that most Americans, including myself, would attribute to President Trump. However, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a Norwegian