The USUSA candidate declaration forms open on Jan. 13. The elections are set to occur on Feb 24-25 with The
Tag Archives: Utah State University Student Association
Editor’s Note: To submit a response to this column, or submit a letter to the editor on a new topic,
Editors Note: The Feb. 19 print issue of the Election Voter Information Guide contained an error that has been corrected in
You get a scholarship, and you get a scholarship — you all get scholarships! Que Oprah Winfrey. Candidates for
Utah State University students looking for service opportunities now have a more accessible way than ever to find them. AggieSync,
The Utah State University Student Association (USUSA) Government Relations Council (GRC) announced in a statement Thursday its support of the
For Bridget Brown, the annual voter registration drive put on by the Government Relations Council (GRC) is more important now
The end of the 2016-17 school year is quickly approaching and as the month comes to an end, so does
This article was written in response to “Tuition to increase 5 percent for 2017-18 school year” and “USU presidents use
Sexual assault prevention seems to be one of the two major topics pursued by the USUSA, the other being the