
Taking the reins

Jill Morris

Born and raised in Cache Valley, Celestial Starr Bybee is ingrained with a sense of Aggie pride which pushes her to excel in her newly elected position as the Associated Students of Utah State University President for the 2002-2003 school year.

As a child attending Edith Bowen Elementary School, Bybee recalls watching the college students and dreaming of the day when she could join them.

“I just always knew that I wanted to be an Aggie,” Bybee said.

Become an Aggie she did. After receiving a full scholarship, Bybee came to USU as a freshman in 1999 and immediately became involved with USU activities and programs.

Bybee held titles such as Public Affairs Board representative, delegate for the Utah State Utah Intercollegiate Assembly and was a member of the President’s Leadership Council, to name only a few. Bybee founded the multicultural sorority at USU. She used this experience to win the position of ASUSU executive vice president for the 2001-2002 school year.

“I really believe you need to learn everything you can about an organization before you try to run it,” Bybee said.

As executive vice president, Bybee has worked closely with the current ASUSU president Steve Palmer. Bybee contributes her decision to run for president in part to this association.

“I knew that I knew the job the best and had the most experience,” Bybee said. “I’m capable of working hard and taking the position to the next level. Also, I love ASUSU and wanted to be a part of it and improve on what I could.”

She said some qualities that identify a good president are the ability to work with people of all ages, an understanding the importance of the position and of each student, possessing a sincere desire to help the students and having an ability to get things done. Bybee said these are qualities she tries to possess everyday.

Another quality Bybee said is important is listening to the students.

“There are 24,000 students here and I’m sure many of them are smarter than I am, but I will be smart enough to listen to everyone’s ideas and suggestions,” Bybee said.

Bybee has many goals for the 2002-2003 school year. In addition to continuing programs and projects already in place, Bybee would like to reach out to the students.

“A lot of what I want to accomplish is a way for students to know what their officers are doing for them,” Bybee said. “We have 21 elected officers that work very hard for the school, and many of the students don’t understand what we are doing here.”

Bybee said she wants to take the role and duties of her charter up to the next level. She said each role of the president should be done the best that it can be, and better than it’s expected to be.

In addition to her responsibilities at the university, this marathon runner enjoys working out with the Air Force, singing, dancing and art. She is a self-taught snowboarder and loves to mountain climb. Yet, this active junior describes her number one passion as people.

“I love people. I could just talk to people forever,” Bybee said. “When I see all of the students come together for the basketball games or other events, it reminds me why I’m here – why I do what I do. The students here are my friends and what better way to help them than to be in a position where I can work for their welfare and the welfare of the school.”