
Tarvish Felton Named Assistant Men¹s Basketball Coach At Utah State

h ­ Utah State¹s head basketball coach Stew Morrill announcedWednesday the hiring of Tarvish Felton as an assistant for the Aggies.Felton replaces James Ware who was recently named the top assistant at SantaClara University.

Felton brings nine years of coaching experience with him to Utah State afterspending the 2007-08 season as an assistant at Sacramento State. Combined,Felton has coached 11 players who have earned all-conference honors.

³We are excited about Tarvish joining our staff, said Morrill. ³He bringsexperience at the Division I level as well as an appreciation for the stateof Utah. Tarvish comes highly recommended by people that I know and trust.He is a high character individual who I expect to be very productive in themany facets of being an assistant coach.

Felton began his coaching career as an assistant at Southern Utah during the1999-2000 season, before spending two years at Cal State Los Angeles. Hethen spent the 2002-03 academic year starting the Texas A&M-Internationalprogram and served as its head coach for three seasons, followed by anotherone-year stint as an assistant at Southern Utah before moving on toSacramento State.

³I am very honored and excited to join the staff here at Utah State, saidFelton. ³I have a tremendous amount of respect for Coach Morrill and whathe has done at USU, and look forward to learning from him while assisting inthe continued success of the program.

A 1999 graduate of Southern Utah with a bachelor¹s degree in physicaleducation, Felton was a two-time IHC Health Plans state player of the yearas a junior and senior. Also during his senior season, he receivedall-Mid-Continent Conference honors and was named Southern Utah¹s academicathlete of the year for basketball. All-time, Felton ranks third inSouthern Utah history in blocked shots (68), fifth in steals (139) andseventh in rebounding (505).

Felton, who is a native of Perry, Ga., played his freshman season atNortheast College in Norfolk, Neb.