Technical Communication students showcase non-profit business ideas to fill a local need
Student groups from the Project Management for Technical Writers class held an exhibit Friday where they showcased the cooperative businesses they created during the semester.
The businesses are designed to meet a local need, ranging from books to food. Each of student groups created their business design as part of a semester-long project.

Jon Tanner, Noel Bishop, and Shannen Reisewitz stand next to their poster describing their idea of an app called Share the Road Inc. that keeps locals updated about road conditions and accidents to help drivers be more aware and cautious as they realize how often accidents happen and where they happen. This awareness would hopefully help decrease the amount of accidents in Cache Valley

Darcie Madsen, Sydney Anderson, Bayli Luebke, Nichelle Pomeroy, and Annie Foster show their website idea, called Page Trade Cooperative. It is a website where students can buy and sell textbooks. Logan doesn’t have very many book stores that focus on textbooks, which is frustrating. So these girls focused on a frustration and found a solution by creating this website.

Brandon Gardner, Patty Macsparran, and Kaylee Dudley are the creators of the idea of Green Hollow Community Cooperative. They created a community of Tiny Homes. The purpose of this project is to create housing that is affordable and helps people have a minimalist style of living.

Jon Toronto, Madelyn Bingham, Jessi Spakman, and Darby Taylor are the creators of the idea of Aggie Fresh Creative, a grocery store on campus that has reasonable prices, and healthy food options for college students-espeically those with special dietary needs.

Eliza Ward, Dallin Kay, Gentry Manning, and Morgan Wykstra are the creators of the idea of the website Link, which helps Tech Comm students find jobs for experience. It also is an affordable way for businesses who need Tech Comm majors for hiring. There aren’t many websites like this out there, and many Tech Comm students have said they could use something like it.
Photos by Rilee Scoresby