Thank you Celestial

Dear Editor,

I would like to express my thanks to Celsetial Bybee for what I saw as a successful year. As ASUSU president and student representative she displayed nonwavering acts of leadership, campus and legislative involvement, and development of new ideas. In last Monday’s Statesman edition the facts are evident that she fulfilled and achieved her duties. In every area of her platform, she was able to actively implement whether by delegation or individually. For example, her platform to advance communications efforts with students through ASUSU was achieved by designating a viable person to take over that issue. That shows leadership and respect to allocate duties to other qualified representatives. Another platform to acknowledge is her devotion to the school and education by staying in touch with the student body by going to events and attending classes. I don’t think many people realize the extent of the job of a president. Anyone in such a prominent position that I know, for instance, Linda Wolcott the Vice Provost for Libraries and Instructional Support, has meetings nonstop, presentations, and agendas to stick to. I can imagine that it is no different for Celestial. It is amazing to me that she had a balance between her political position and her schoolwork. Some student can’t handle five classes alone. Again, she displayed leadership. Not only is she professional but also personable. Whenever I see her on campus she always says “Hi” or “How are you doing?” It is important to have a leader that cares, supports, and listens to the students and likewise for the students to support their leaders. The fact is that the future president must follow in Celestial’s footprints, those footprints have left a huge imprint on this USU campus. Thank you Celestial Bybee for a year of accomplishments.

Erin Olson753-0853