You got this

Thank you, professors

Dear Professors at USU,

During these troubled times, I’ve found it helpful for me to look for the good in my life. There are so many good things in my life, and I’ve taken them for granted. While the outbreak of COVID-19 has taken a toll on my education at Utah State University, I have been overwhelmed by the positive reactions my professors have had through these unexpected changes. So, here’s to every professor here at Utah State University. 

Professors, I am fully aware that you had big plans for this semester and I know that most of those plans have been squashed into oblivion because of the university shutting down. I know it was (and still is) so difficult to course-correct your way through this and move half of your classes online. I know it must be incredibly frustrating for each of you to watch your students lose interest in school work, especially after all the hard work you’ve done to make your class accessible to your students. 

I’m sorry it’s been like that. I’m sorry this semester has been a disaster you’ve had to glue back together. Most of all, I’m sorry you don’t get enough credit for all the hard work you have done, not only this semester but in previous semesters. It’s disappointing to me that our educators don’t get a lot of credit or attention, as I’m sure it is for you. 

So, thank you. Thank you for working tirelessly for us and for all of your students. Thank you for getting an education so that you can benefit hundreds and thousands of people. Thank you for putting up with everything and giving everything to the students here at USU. The love and care you put into your job shows and is appreciated greatly. 

Thank you for your emails of kindness and well wishes. Thank you for your jokes and memes. Thank you for uploading lectures and recitation pages on Canvas so they are easily accessible. Thank you for working with each of your students to ensure we can grasp the difficult concepts in your course. 

Thank you for figuring out how to workshop and discuss your students’ work online. Working with literature is difficult to do without coming to class, but your work has made it doable. Thank you for your flexibility with due dates. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us the best you can give.  


Your grateful students at USU