
Thaw out at Crystal Hot Springs

Dallin Keocher

Logan winters are bitterly cold, which for some students makes the outdoors less appealing. Those seeking some heat can stay warm outdoors this winter soaking in the Crystal Hot Springs.

Crystal Hot Springs is a hot mineral water resort located in Honeyville, Utah. According to manager Jeremy Johnson, they use the naturally heated water from the springs to fill three hot tubs, a large soaking pool and two cool water pools to attract more than 40,000 visitors per year, many of whom are USU students he says.

Getting to the hot springs takes a little more than a half hour from campus, which can make it a close source of fun for Aggies looking for something warm to do this winter. Judy Dalton, an employee at the springs for the last three years, said that many students like to come to the springs on Saturdays, which makes for a fun atmosphere.

Dalton had some suggestions for Aggies looking for something to do that is relatively inexpensive.

“This is a great place to bring a date because you have to wear a swimsuit,” she said. “It is also a good place to meet people. I know of a couple that met here at the springs and later got married.”

Other things to do at the springs besides soaking in the hot water are camping with friends or family, going down one of the two giant green water slides and even swimming in an Olympic-sized pool. Dalton also said the whole facility can be rented out to groups after hours, which could be a good idea for club activities.

“When I am sitting in the warm water, I don’t worry about school or work; I just relax and have good time,” said Laura Kendall, a sophomore in nursing. She likes the friendly staff that work there, which she said makes her want to go back. Kendall suggested coming to the springs before or after finals to melt test anxiety away.

The hot water is full of minerals that can provide health benefits for visitors, Dalton said. She says the light rusty orange color of the water is the high amounts of minerals in the water, with sodium, chloride and calcium being the most prevalent. Johnson says the hot salty water has been known to relieve symptoms of arthritis, as well as relax sore muscles from sports injuries or surgeries.

Dalton said that Crystal Hot Springs has some unique qualities that only a few other springs in the world share, one being lithium, a mineral that is noted for its calming effect. The major flow of water through the springs helps to keep the pools clean, with around 13,000 gallons of water passing through the springs every minute. Only one other spring in the world has cold springs within 30 feet of the hot water. At Crystal, they use the cold water to cool down the 120-degree water to more suitable non-flesh-burning temperatures. During winter months, there are five pools that range in temperature of 76 to 106 degrees.

To get to the springs, take 200 North in Logan west toward Tremonton. Turn south onto Highway 38 toward Brigham City and the springs will be on the west side of the road and signs along the road are posted to point the way. Normally, it costs $6 per person for admission, but a student ID or military ID gets visitors a dollar off. For more information, go to their Web site at www.crystalhotsprings.net.
