
The College of Science welcomes two new associate deans

On Sept. 1, 2023, Brynja Kohler and Susannah French were welcomed as associate deans for the College of Science. Their roles include taking charge of 30 undergraduate degrees, and 20 graduate degrees.  

The College of Science’s departments are as follows: Biology, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics, Computer Science as well as Geoscience. Over 1,400 aggies are studying in these programs. 

Kohler graduated from the University of Utah with a Ph.D. in mathematical biology, and came to teach at USU in 2004. Prior to her career at USU, she attended the University of Chicago as well as NYU. 

Kohler’s love for science and mathematics extends back to her youth. Her mother was a secondary school teacher and her father worked as a chemistry professor. 

“My mother’s encouragement weighed heavily on me. She said we need more women in STEM, so I took her advice and just kept taking math classes until I became a math professor,” Kohler said. 

Kohler assumes the role of associate dean for undergraduate programs and services due to the departure of Greg Podgorski, professor of biology, who is retiring after 35 years with USU. He served as an associate dean for five years. 

“He has been enormously supportive and helpful,” Kohler said.

In this role she will be working directly with students with research and undergraduate pursuits.

“I just think there are so many wonderful studying opportunities for students,” Kohler said.

Kohler also enjoys working with young adults as they prepare for college. 

“It helps me understand what goes on in high schools and then that transition into college, and how to be successful,” Kohler said. 

During her time thus far at USU, Dean Kohler has been named Mathematics and Statistics’ 2019 Teacher of the Year, as well as the College of Science’s 2020 Outstanding Graduate Mentor. 

She has received grants from notable foundations such as Math for America, State of Utah Math and Science Partnership as well as the National Science Foundation. 

Kohler’s time at USU and notable accomplishments have helped prepare her to step into this role. 

“I’ve had great mentors here at USU, and I’ve been able to be involved,” Kohler said.

French is assuming the role of associate dean for research and faculty. 

Named Faculty Researcher of the Year in 2022, French’s research capabilities will aid her new position. 

“This role in particular is one where you have to understand the demands of research and the diversity of research,” French said. 

She did not hesitate to praise her predecessor Michelle Baker. 

“She in herself is an amazing researcher, and yeah, I’ve got a lot to live up to,” French said.

French came to USU as an ecologist and has been with the university for seven years. She enjoys working with lizards from the Galapagos. 

“Out of the classroom you can learn so much,” French said.

French continues on working with USU’s undergraduate research program. This program is one of the oldest in the nation, starting in 1975. The program received the Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishments in 2020. In total, USU has over 50 research programs.

French has been a recipient of several grants such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Grant, the NSF Rapid Grant and the NSF Integrative Organismal Systems grant.

French encourages all USU students, despite their major, to interact with science. 

“It’s not just learning definitions of certain things, it’s about how you critically evaluate your environment, decisions you’re going to make and what’s going on around you,” French said.