The Forum: What to do when leaving to serve a church mission

Editor’s note:

The Forum is the students’ chance to ask USU administrators about the workings of Utah State University. Answers will be posted biweekly in this section on Fridays. Questions may be sent to

The question:

I am leaving after spring semester to serve a church mission, but I plan to return to USU in two years. Are there any forms I need to fill out, or is there anything in particular I need to do before I leave? Will I still be able to use my scholarship when I get back? Will l be able to register immediately upon my return? Please give me some direction as to what I should do. I would appreciate any assistance you might give me. Thanks.

The response:

Thank you for your questions. The Leave of Absence program is designed to ease the transition for students who are taking an approved leave of absence from the University for military service, church missions, Peace Corps, or other reasons.

Before you leave, you should meet with your academic adviser. You should also complete several forms available through the Office of Advising and Transition Services, Taggart Student Center, Room 304. When meeting with your adviser, make sure you understand which courses you will need to take for University Studies and for your major. You should avoid taking any courses that are prerequisites for courses you will need to take after you return. You should also avoid taking courses that are part of a sequence, unless you will be able to complete the entire sequence before you leave.

In addition, before you leave you should complete the course requirements for any incomplete (I) grades that may appear on your transcript.

Some appropriate courses to take before you leave include: English Composition (Engl 1010), General Education breadth courses, nonsequential major courses, and elective courses. Your academic adviser will give you the best direction as to which courses you should take before your departure.

Rachel Lewis, an adviser in the Office of Advising and Transition Services, is available to answer questions and assist students in completing the leave of absence paperwork. Lewis will also ensure the documents are forwarded to the appropriate offices. Lewis’ office is located in the TSC, Room 304.

A “Leave of Absence” form should be completed to notify the university of your intended departure and scheduled return. By completing the leave of absence paperwork before you leave, you will not be required to pay the $10 re-application fee upon your return. If you have a continuing scholarship, you may request to have it held while you are away.

You should submit a “Scholarship Hold Request” with supporting documentation. The Financial Aid Office will send you a confirmation of your held scholarship. If you desire to allow a parent, or another person, to have access to your USU records during your absence, you may complete a “Release of Student Information” form. This form gives your permission to allow this other person legal access to your academic records.

After you return from your leave of absence, you must complete an Application for Readmission through Recruitment/Enrollment Services. You should also contact the Financial Aid Office to reinstate your scholarship, and meet with your academic adviser to plan your remaining course of study. You will be able to register for classes after you have been re-accepted.

John Mortensen is the director of Advising and Transition Services.

Comments can be sent to him at