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The hidden medieval kingdom in Logan

The USU Medieval Club is a college version of a much larger worldwide organization called The Society for Creative Anachronism. This organization splits the world into kingdoms, within the kingdom the land is split into shires. Utah is part of the Kingdom of Artemisia and Logan’s shire is The Shire of Cote du Ciel.

Both students in the Medieval Club and Shire members gather together for weekly activities and events on campus. Such activities include classes on metalworking, sewing, dressmaking and even armored combat.

“Basically, any hobby you enjoy there’s a medieval equivalent to it. So, if you enjoy football, we have fighting,” said Lydia Selmer, the USU medieval club advisor.

“Or if you appreciate any artisanal versions of things that are handmade, rather than mass-produced,” said Jana Hill, a local shire member.

The club gathers often, whether it’s for a weekly workshop or their annual movie night.

“Every Wednesday at 7:30 at the Whittier center, we gather and have a fighter practice which includes heavy and rapier fighting,” said Selmer.
“And then we also have workshops and just socializing that we do there as well at the same time and then we have events sometimes on the weekends with our bigger parent group.”

The social aspect appeals to many of the Shire and USU club members. Weekly events become opportunities to speak with friends.

“The best part is making friends with people who share similar interests and socializing with them,” said Hill. “USU has been a wonderful host to our organization on many occasions, and we appreciate their cooperation.”

“Going to events is pretty cool. Seeing a medieval town that can just pop up is pretty cool. Everybody’s on period and everything” said Josh Butler, a member of USU’s chapter.

Butler has been a member since April after joining in at a SCA torment at USU where the organization was demonstrating what they do at their gatherings.

The Medieval club is fairly simple to participate in, and the community is very accepting.

“Reach out to me,” said Selmer. “I teach costume design in the theater department. They can get a hold of me through my USU email, and I can help them get set up with meetings and if they want to wear costumes. I can put them in the right direction where they need to go.”

“If they want to hit their friend with swords, we can help with that too,” said Hill.

By showing up the members will come together to provide a unique experience and to make sure everyone feels welcomed into the hidden world of medieval logan.

“Come, you’re in,” said Butler. “You show up and you’re in. If you’re interested, come show up. We’ll get you squared away.”