The HURD signs up

The TSC has hung up a sign to inform students of HURD events. After spending a year working to design, approve and build, students now have a tangible reminder of sporting events and activities.  

The sign, which hangs on the wall on the patio by the Hub, will be updated weekly by the HURD committee with upcoming events from varsity sports, club sports and HURD-sponsored activities. The HURD committee believes that having a physical reminder in a place where students frequent will help students remember events and feel like a greater part of the HURD.  

“The purpose of our sign is to give the opportunity to have every student involved on campus,” said Jessica Ulrich, who works for student involvement as program coordinator for the HURD, along with other USUSA clubs and Athletics and Campus Recreation. “We wanted to meet students where they’re at.” 

The HURD committee saw the need after realizing that not all students have or frequently use social media. Ulrich shared that they sometimes get DMs on the HURD Instagram account with students explaining they would have loved to go to a game or event but were not aware it was happening. The sign provides a way for these students to also know about HURD events.

The HURD sign will have lists with dress codes, tailgate times, gate opening times, possible giveaways and more so students can fully understand what’s happening on game day.   

There were several steps for bringing the sign to life, but the HURD committee expressed gratitude to all who helped in the process. Dallin Wilson, the Athletics and Campus Recreation Executive Director, explained the committee originally thought of doing a marquee with flashing lights before they realized the logistics would be a bit difficult. They brought several designs to the sign committee, which approves all USU signage. The two committees collaborated to settle on a design, and the director of the TSC Ray Cheatham provided a visible spot where students could see events.  

“Ray was very willing for us to work with us to be able to put up the sign somewhere in the TSC because he recognized it was something that we’re doing for students,” Wilson said. “The TSC’s purpose is to serve students.” 

According to Ulrich, Wilson spearheaded the project. She shared that he is passionate about the HURD and its unifying properties. 

“Dallin was an incredible HURD committee member,” Ulrich said. “It was powerful to watch him take on a large project like this.” 

However, the sign would not have been possible without the members of the HURD committee, the sign committee and the TSC. Ulrich said it’s a sign “for the students, by the students.” 

When asked why students should join the HURD, Wilson shared that it is a unique experience for a student section. 

We’re very smart, and we’re very organized, but it’s also just a really great thing to bond. I know a lot of students, myself included, came here primarily because of the HURD and because of the athletics,” Wilson said. “That’s not just because we have winning teams and great teams to watch, but it’s also because being in that student section has a special energy. At the end of the day, it’s about Aggies supporting Aggies.”  

Ulrich agreed with Wilson. 

“As a student, you are part of the HURD,” Ulrich said. “Be loud, be proud, be HURD. That’s what we want people to get from the signage.” 

Wilson also shared the best ways to get involved with the HURD. 

“Get HURD premium if you’re interested. It’s pretty good value for your buck. And, as far as the HURD goes, just go all in. Be creative and try to come up with new stuff.” Wilson said. “That’s one of the things that really makes the HURD just the best student section in the entire country. And if you ever have ideas for events or big things, my door is always open.” 

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