The Miracle of Life

The Miracle of Life

The miracle of life begins at the moment of conception when 46 chromosomes with 30,000 genes combine to determine the baby’s physical characteristics including gender, appearance, hair and eye color, etc. An unborn child is unique at the instant of conception.

At six weeks, by the time the mother can take a reliable pregnancy test, the baby will already have a steady heartbeat. The brain and nervous system are also beginning to develop.

He or she will begin to respond to touch at around 8 weeks, and brain function is measurable by EEG waves.

At 9 weeks, he or she will have fingers and even suck its thumb! Facial features begin to develop.

At 11 weeks he or she will look like a perfect miniature porcelain doll with tiny facial features. But, unlike a doll, he or she can show expression.

Pain receptors begin to develop at 14 weeks and by 18 weeks they are in place throughout the entire body. This means that pain can be felt after only 3-4 months!

By 16 weeks, the time the mother starts to show, he or she can hear outside sounds. His or her favorite sound will be the mother’s voice, but he or she will also respond to music and talking. He or she is essentially fully formed by this time and needs the remaining 5 months only to grow.

What a wonderful miracle!

Now, let’s look at what an unborn child would go through during an abortion. There are a number of different “procedures,” but all use similar methods.

First, the “doctor” needs to open up the cervix. The cervix is what holds the baby inside the mother and will not open easily. The doctor needs to pry it open mechanically and hold it open throughout the process. Next, various instruments which cut and suck are inserted into the uterus. The “doctor” will cut up the baby, and then suck it out of the uterus. Remember, an unborn child can feel pain at 3-4 months!

Any person with a conscience will be revolted at the above explanation. Abortion is murder, period.

To the editor, Utah StatesmanMichelle Nilsonmbw@cc.usu.edustudent id 528-77-2037787-1479