
The President’s Resolution of Commendation: The award you’ve never heard of

  • Ismail Alsomali, an international aviation student from Saudi Arabia, with his award. He is pictured with Michael Scott Peters, USU President Noelle Cockett, and Ronald W. Jibson, the 2017 chair for the Board of Trustees.
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Every few months, as the Board of Trustees for Utah State University gathers to make governing decisions for the entire university system, one student is presented as the best USU has to offer; however, this year, student body president Michael Scott Peters decided to present a slew of more unsung heroes.

“This is an award that is officially given by President Cockett but it is the charge of the student body president to find that recipient,” Peters said.

The President’s Resolution of Commendation, as it is officially called, is a prestigious award given to one student each meeting in order to show the trustees, nine governor-appointed councilors who make the biggest decisions of the university, just who is making USU what it is.  

“We recognize one student for going above and beyond the call of duty to improve Utah State; this year I added that it is also someone who seeks to help everyone belong,” Peters said, quoting his motto for the student body ‘Everybody belongs.’ “I wanted to look for people who are promoting inclusivity,” he said.

In his year as president, Peters presented the award four times, at each of the formal, in-person Board of Trustees meetings. The recipients included Haven Thorson, Erin Brann, David Higashi, and Ismail Alsomali.

“In the past, many presidents seemed to just award it to their vice presidents,” Peters said. “My personal opinion is that USUSA already receives too much limelight, and I wanted to honor those who didn’t always get recognized.”

Ismail Alsomali, an international aviation student from Saudi Arabia was honored for being the first international student ever to be on the A-team.

“He’s one that’s the first to volunteer for every event,” Peters said. “I just sort of thought ‘that’s the kind of talent we need’.”

Erin Brann is a custodian in the Taggart Student Center that Peters became friends with after long nights in the office.

“I cleaned toilets for four years, and I realized there are certain jobs in life that don’t get the appreciation they deserve,” he said. “When I would go and clean bathrooms, I could make those toilets sparkle, and no one would say a thing. I wanted to recognize that unsung work.”

Haven Thorson was the Chief of Staff for the Utah Student Association president, an office held by Michael Scott Peters for 2017. David Higashi was honored for his service, enthusiasm, and dedication to the theme of “Everybody belongs.”

“This year I’ve gained the belief that stories connect people,” Peters said. “To sit with the Board of Trustees as well as the university and student body president, my hope is that this award will have inspired them to continue doing good.”

