
The ultimate guide to being single on Valentine’s Day

Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, you’ll likely be surrounded by cheesy couples, red and pink roses, and lots of chocolate. This holiday of love is all about being happy with and appreciating your significant other.

Or is it?

What about the people not in relationships and who don’t have a significant other to buy roses or chocolates for?

Well, according to a Statesman survey, single students at USU tend to turn to distractions when it comes to Valentine’s Day activities.

Each of the 27 students selected three of the 10 options of things to do on Valentine’s Day as a single person. They selected from the following responses:

Ten students wanted to watch a movie by themselves if they’re alone on the day of love. And you can never go wrong with a good romantic comedy. Try “The Proposal” on Amazon Prime Video, “Love Guaranteed” on Netflix, or “Hitch” on Hulu. Or, if you’re in the mood for an animated rom-com, try “Shrek” on Hulu or “Wall-E” on Disney Plus. Pop some popcorn or grab a tub of ice cream and snuggle up on the couch with a blanket because if Shrek can find love, you can too.

Try not to think about it and live life like normal

After all, school isn’t canceled, so why go out to dinner and waste precious money when you could be doing homework?

Host or attend a friend’s Valentine’s Day party

Fewer than 10% chose this option. Even if you’re not making googly eyes at a special someone at a fancy dinner on Feb. 14, you can still be around the people you love. Try packing your place with friends, food and games for a less-lonely Valentine’s experience.

Text random people in your phone and ask them to go out

Only one student said this could cure their Valentine’s Day woes. However, some people find their special someone over the internet, so who knows, maybe your person is hiding somewhere in your contacts. At least one Aggie will be sending out some text messages this Valentine’s Day.

Learn Photoshop and edit yourself into pictures with attractive celebrities

Every USU student has access to the Adobe Creative Cloud line of products, including Photoshop. Three students decided to make use of it. For those of us who aren’t enamored with a better half, consider using this Valentine’s Day to sharpen some of your editing skills while taking one baby step closer to that elusive relationship. Some call it creepy, some call it manifesting.

Binge chocolate, ice cream or your favorite food

Luckily for 11% of our survey students, Logan is rich with great chocolate and ice cream. The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and Aggie Chocolate Factory are both within walking distance from campus. For ice cream, head up to the Aggie Creamery or go to Charlie’s Supreme Ice Cream on Main Street. Logan has no shortage of fantastic ice cream, so whether or not you have a romantic partner, go grab some and treat yourself.

Hangout with your friends who are also single

By far the most popular option, 30% of students in our survey said this was the best idea. So, grab some friends and feel the communal love. Or just all be lonely together. There’s always next year.

Binge your favorite hobby (video games, reading, sports, etc.)

There’s no better cure for loneliness than spending some time on the pitch with “Harry Potter,” or getting victory royales in your favorite battle royale. Invite your friends to make it a party — maybe a “Mario Party” if that’s your thing. After all, you could invite the fewer than 10% of students who said they’d love to binge their favorite activities.

Make fun of couples you see in public

Although it’s maybe not the nicest option, respectful mocking of love can help singles to feel better about not having someone. Six students who took our survey said this is their favorite pastime on Valentine’s Day. Consider parking in front of some fancy restaurants and sharpen your sarcasm if you’d like to try out this activity.

Join an online dating service

Only two students chose this option. And who knows, maybe you’ll find a date online that could lead beyond the holiday. I mean, we all know that one couple who met on Mutual. Maybe you’ll be just as lucky.

Each student has different ideas on what love is and what activities are best for Valentine’s Day.

One USU student, Jason Walker, swears by the phrase “single from the womb, single ‘til the tomb.”

Some students look at Valentine’s Day as a time to appreciate the people in our life who we love, whether or not it’s a significant other.

“It’s a great time to be like, ‘Yeah, I love and care for you,’” said Jess Ralphs, a recent USU graduate. Maybe send someone a text to let them know. I think those are great things to do, just express love to other people, even if you’re not in a relationship.”

Whatever you do on Valentine’s Day, remember to spread the love with the people who mean the most to you.

