There are more sports than just hockey

Many people at USU believe that besides football and basketball, there is one other main sport at the campus. This sport being the Club Hockey team. I believe in fairness being an athlete myself. But here at USU I don’t think that publicity for sports here on campus is evened out among the sports. I can see why we have so much publicity for Basketball being that they went 25-3 and were ranked in the Top 25 in the nation. Its good to give them publicity when they are doing that well and support them. But I don’t how you can give the hockey team or football team so much publicity when they get blown out or have a below .500 winning percentage. Now some people may say I am biased against the football team or hockey team because I am a baseball player but the baseball team this fall is 11-3 right now and we have had two articles poorly written about us because people here at USU don’t even know we have a baseball team. Or other sports like women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, or Lacrosse. But your telling me that when the hockey team gets blown out 13-1 they get more publicity on campus than any other team just because they bring money. Don’t you think that is a little unfair and whats called political. I just thought I would get my point out about how some people feel about how their programs are treated and how they get no press time when they are winning and when they are being successful rather than having the seasons that our football team and hockey teams are having so far. Please help me understand why they get so much publicity for the football team being 2-4 and the hockey team being 2-2 when there are other teams at this university that are more successful.