Guide to Surviving Logan

Things to do in Logan over spring break

Are you stuck in Logan this spring break? Don’t worry. There are plenty of fun things to do and places to visit in our lively college town! 

Here are 12 things to do in Logan over the break:

  1. Buy Marketplace french bread at Walmart for $1 and eat the whole loaf in the abandoned Shopko parking lot.
  2. Try on cowboy hats at C-A-L Ranch. 
  3. Sit in the Megaplex parking lot for twenty minutes deciding if you actually have $11 to see a movie. 
  4. Stay in the Merrill-Cazier Library until closing. Sometimes they play music! 
  5. Go to the Amazon outlet on the top floor of the Book Table and buy Peppa Pig rings. 
  6. Check out a book at the library and pretend to read it at a coffee shop. Pause every so often to drink your latte and look into the distance as if contemplating the literature. Look as mysterious as possible. Someone WILL fall in love with you if you do this. 
  7. Look at fridges at Home Depot. 
  8. Take self-timer photos of you standing on the A.  
  9. Drive up the canyon until you get scared and turn around. 
  10. Try all the brands of cereal at the Junction cereal bar.
  11. Drive to Preston and then turn around and come back because you thought it would be fun and spontaneous, but there’s actually nothing to do in Preston. 
  12. Go to the 24-hour McDonald’s at 1 a.m. and see every person that you have ever met, ever. 



*Photo by Iain Laurence.