to the editor

To the editor,

I’m writing in response to the angry registrar employee who felt compelled to talk about how hard working she and her fellow USU employees are. I have been at this school for four semesters. Of those four semesters, I have had the housing office attempt to tack on extra “late fees” three out of four semesters because I’m on financial aid and they conveniently forgot that I was on financial aid. Three of the four semesters I have been here the registrar has sent me drop notices despite possessing the paperwork showing that I am on financial aid. The financial aid office has, for the past four semesters, refused to send my financial aid in time so that I am not late in getting my textbooks for class, despite my applying way in advance. During one semester an employee ticketed my car for being parked without a permit. The permit was present and placed where it should have been. I was informed after I appealed the permit that if parking enforcement decided to ticket me again that I would be unable to appeal the ticket, despite having a permit for the lot and properly displaying the permit. It has been my experience here at USU that the Registrar, Housing, Financial aid, and Parking employees act exactly like the author implied. I am so fed up with these employees and their lackluster performance that I will be going to another school starting next fall. I do not want to continue paying for these employees. They have shown that they are indeed nothing better than trained chimps. They have forgotten who pays for them to be here in the first place. The students do, and this student has had enough. Kudos to the author for speaking up about this.

Candace Leutzinger

