Track team to host meet this weekend

The Utah State track team is hosting the Mark Faldmo Invitational all day Saturday in the Ralph Maughn Track Stadium behind Romney Stadium.

“This is an opportunity for us to show the home people what we can really do,” Head Coach Greg Gensel said. “They’ll find out that we’re pretty darn good.”

Gensel said the team is excited to perform at home so that people can actually come and see them perform.

He also said the meet comes at a good time of the year for the Aggie team.

With the WAC Championships coming up, it gives the team a chance to kind of wind down before the big meet.

Although the meet is at home, the Aggies aren’t preparing for it any differently than they would for any other meet they’ve had this season, but that doesn’t mean it will be like every other meet this season.

“It’s basically conducive to performing well,” Gensel said of the meet.

Although Gensel said he expects everyone to have strong performances, he said key performances will come from the distance runners on both the male and female side.

He also said the pole vaulters and the male high jumpers should have good performances.

The teams that will be competing will be mostly local teams from Utah and southern Idaho.

Gensel said it will be good competition and a good opportunity for the athletes to perform against the type of people they have been seeing all season.

However, it won’t be the WAC Championships.

The meet begins at 10 a.m. and will go all day.