
True Aggies tell their stories

Kylie Hill

“When I became a True Aggie, it was my first kiss. I didn’t know what to expect. Well, let’s just say it didn’t go like he expected. He came in for the kiss and I pulled away, but then he went in for another kiss and I tapped his arm so he would stop kissing me. So my first kiss and True Aggie experience, I tapped out of the kiss. The kid was really embarrassed because it was in front of probably 100 or more people. It was pretty bad.”


Lindsey Everill

“My boyfriend’s name is Ryker and we wanted to be True Aggies and we waited in line clear in the frick over there and it was the longest line and then we got to kiss for like two seconds. It felt kind of cool to be part of something so big. It was cute.”


Kirsten Leidich

“There was a guy that I met like, one time before, and he like, walked past, and Sarah was like, ‘Go kiss him!’ and I was like, ‘No!’ So she asked him for me… and we kissed in the rain on the A. It was wet. And cold, oh my gosh, it was so cold.”


Sarah Pickett

“I just met this guy over the summer and we, like, played volleyball and stuff. He like, texted me and he was like, ‘Hey, are you here?’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, are you?’ and he tried to call me and it was kind of crazy and we just, like.. I said no to somebody else and it was super awkward. I was like, ‘Uh, I have a boyfriend’ — you know when you have to play that card? Then we cut to, honestly, like the very front of the line somehow. It was really fun. I just felt more a part of the school. It was homecoming, and it was just a fun way to start the year.”


Hannah Peterson

“We went to homecoming and one of my friends was just like, ‘Hey do you want to True Aggie?’ and so we just went, we cut the line — don’t hate us — and it was really embarrassing because I’d never kissed anyone in front of someone before, so going up and kissing someone was a little nerve-wracking and his brothers were in the crowd, so it was great.”


Hannah Peterson

Oliver Hulme

“The week prior, my friend Katie had asked me if I wanted to kiss her right on the A, that was taken in a really weird way ‘cause I wasn’t exactly sure what it was, so yeah. And then True Aggie night came and we hopped on up there and we kissed right on the mouth. That was about it. I felt like a dragon, mostly, but that’s a good thing.”


Oliver Hulme

Sam Metz

“We were young baby freshman and we went to True Aggie night and we’re like hey, let’s go be True Aggies and that was what, like, six years ago? And now we’re married. But that was the moment I knew she would be my wife, on top of the A.”


Sam Metz

Sarah King

“I was a freshman and it was a True Aggie night, and we went with like a huge group of people and there was this one guy just standing there and I like grabbed him and was like ‘You’re going to be my True Aggie’ and we kissed and that was that.”


Sarah King

Quinn Latham

“So I’m like a transfer student, and I was with my friends and it was like my first two weeks being here and I remember my boyfriend dumped me a couple days before my birthday, and then like a week later it was True Aggie Night and so I was just like, I’m going to become a True Aggie because it was what I wanted to do. And I remember, like, all my friends are all nervous because they all wanted guys to ask them, and I’m like screw that, so I just found the cutest guy I could to go up to and be like ‘hey, are you a True Aggie? Cause I’m not,’ and so he made me a True Aggie.”


Quinn Latham

Brooke Talbot

“I was dating a boy and we had been dating for a few months, and so we went to True Aggie night and that’s where we kissed and then now he’s my husband, so he’ll always be my True Aggie.”


Maegan Kasteler

“So I became a True Aggie my freshman year at homecoming, and so it was the very first True Aggie night experience and it was also my first kiss and I was volunteering at the homecoming dance and a couple of my friends from high school and I were chatting and one of them goes ‘Oh Maegan, do you want to become a True Aggie and I thought he was joking, and so I said yes, and then before True Aggie night started, I got a text from him saying ‘Hey where are you at? Let’s do this.’ And then I just decided, why not? And so we met up and I became a True Aggie.


Maegan Kasteler