TV REVIEW: ‘Smith’ as generic as the name

Aaron Peck

The face of television seems to be changing before our very eyes. The time of sitcoms is dead, enter the era of serialized dramas. With shows like “24,” “Lost” and “Prison Break” having enormous success, the networks are scrambling this year to find the next big drama that will hook millions of weekly viewers.

But with so many new dramas premiering, what ones do you try and add to your already over-crowded “serial” bowl?

“Smith” is a new drama on CBS starring Ray Liotta of “Goodfellas” fame. He leads an “Italian Job”-esque group of specially trained thieves out for one last score … I think. That’s pretty much the problem with the show, or the pilot episode at least. I had no idea where this show was going, or what exactly it was about.

Sure, it’s a group of criminals, all highly trained, each with their own specialty that adds to the team. But haven’t we seen this all before? If there is a new way of telling the “great heist” story, “Smith” doesn’t seem to have it.

The pilot episode left me feeling empty. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of stuff happened, but at the same time nothing happened because the story never seemed to progress. None of the characters seemed at all interesting to me. I’m a big fan of Ray Liotta, but even his intense acting can’t save this show.

Television shows are becoming increasingly competitive. Whoever can find the most inventive way of telling a story wins. “Smith” is the same old heist story we’ve seen over and over.

If people are really looking for something worthwhile tuning into that week, check out “The Office” (NBC) on Thursday, Sept. 21.

“Smith” premieres on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 9 p.m. on CBS.

Aaron Peck is a sophomore in computer science and is the Statesman TV critic. Comments and

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