Tweets of the Week – December 3
From our table to yours, Happy Thanksgiving Aggies
— Utah State Alumni (@UtahStateAlumni) November 28, 2019
That moment you awake from a Thanksgiving food coma
28 inches of snow in Cache Valley from the past 2 storms… and there is more on the way!
— Erin Cox (@erincoxnews) November 29, 2019
Today, I’m thankful I don’t go to school in Provo. Happy Thanksgiving Aggies!
— Barstool USU (@BarstoolUSU) November 28, 2019
We’re grateful for quality education, Old Main, the Aggie Shuttle when it's cold outside, an undefeated @USUBasketball team, and every single one of you. #HappyThanksgiving to all the #USUAggies out there.
— Utah State University (@USUAggies) November 28, 2019
Profs that give exams on Tuesday before thanksgiving deserved the worst
— Cherry (@Michael_Cherry2) November 26, 2019