Tweets of the Week: Presidential Debate Edition
The election is like trying 2choose between walking across campus in sub-zero temps or having a semester full of group projects #AggieStrife
— Aggiestrife (@aggiestrife) September 27, 2016
Every time Trump says "we need Law and Order" I just think he wants to have a national Netflix binge night #debatenight
— Alyssa Craig (@seethisgirlrun) September 27, 2016
Fun idea: instead of going to a haunted house this October, just think about the future of our country and you'll be scared enough
— Mallory (@mal_howard) September 27, 2016
Obviously Lester didn't do the best at moderating, but I'd like to see anyone get Donald Trump to shut up.
— Thomas Buttars (@ThomasButtars) September 27, 2016