torrey green

Two charges added in Torrey Green assault case

On Friday, Cache County prosecutors filed two new rape charges against former USU linebacker, Torrey Green.

Cache County prosecutors have investigated a total of 14 allegations against Green.

Green was charged in October with four counts of rape, one count of aggravated kidnapping and one count of sexual assault.

Green faces a maximum penalty of life in prison if he is convicted of the aggravated kidnapping charge, and a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison if convicted of the rape or sexual assault charges.

Christine Jones, one of the 14 alleged victims in the Green case, who has been asked to be identified by a pseudonym, said she is “very happy something is finally being done about this.”

Green is currently being held in Cache County Jail and will appear in court on Dec. 13, where Judge Brian Cannell will decide on a possibility of bail.



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  1. Billy

    People want BLAME Others’ Look in the mirror & accept accountability LADIES ! Nobody’ snatched up like a parking STRANGER ? These Ladies persued Torrey, said he was cute, a GENTLEMAN !! They PARTY Like Women & act like lit’l ..girlz ?
    Don’t hate the PLAYER ? Grow up girls.? If you persue a MAN & allow urself to be in his BEDROOM??? Accept’ responsibility for YOUR OWN actions !
    STOP this crazy ass.. Pursiuit of attention for no reason at all except’ for attention. A grown ass WOMEN does’nt do this Shit’ 1 year after a badd Date? Theres gonna be alot more badd Dates, in your life Start making better CHOICES & take responsibility for the GOOD & BADD CHOICES…YOU…Make.
    These allegations are bullshit’ & they were investigated: bye the
    School.. Campus police.. Local police. NO CHARGES ! Fake ass bitches looking for symphathy & attention , others looking to get Paid ?? Torrey has noooooooo money ‘ & the school has said, it will NOT PAY ANYBODY for all these False allegations, that have been thoroughly investigated !!! & no CHARGES FILED ! No desiplinary action ! #2. Then 2 others come foreward, simply because of false Media & internet allegations on imgur ! Those allegation’s also, investigated bye POLICE & Declined !!! Only because its election time for this JUDGE & D.A.
    Looking for VOTES…VOTES….A JOB?
    & local powerful & rich constituants. Have pressured the D.A. regarding his JOB !!!
    Now’ its SNOWBALLING…$..$
    W . 15 allegations.. Because of the media attention only ! Lotsa females, COMING FOREWARD ONLY for attention & possible hope for law siuts… The D.A. had to send HALF of the women w. False allegations Packing..hitt the ROAD .
    Girls are coming foreward.. For all the Wrong reasons. I hope all these WOMEN get sued & go to JAIL for SLANDER – Defamation of Character – Loss of wages..$ .. Attorney fees.. Etc.

  2. Billy

    I don’t… Beleive a WOMEN should be able to put a MAN Behind Bars, so easily’ for something, both the MAN & woman participated in equally? If Both parties.. Consent to a Date, alchol & bedroom… Maybe the females should also’ be faced w. False allegations charges !!! & placed behind BARS….IMMEDIATELY ! Until proven innocent ?? Just as the MAN.
    Maybe; women would make better CHOICES & be held accountable for there own CHOICES !

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