
UPR General Manager Ives Accepts New Position

Cathy Ives, general manager of Utah Public Radio (UPR), has accepted a position as executive director of development and major gifts at WFCR and WNNZ Public Radio in Amherst, Mass., effective July 1, 2010.
Ives has served as general manager of UPR since December 2006 when she came to Utah State University after working as an independent consultant and as general manager of KCPW in Salt Lake City. Previously, she was vice president for New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR).
Ives has more than 25 years experience in broadcasting and development, including 19 years in public broadcasting. She also serves as a station-based development advisor working with The Development Exchange, Inc (DEI).
Ives’ accomplishments at UPR are many, but most significant is a boost to the station’s visibility brought about through partnerships and new programming. She forged relationships with USU departments and colleges as well as other non-profit organizations, making possible programs such as the UPR Newsline, “Wild About Utah” and live broadcasts of “Access Utah” from a storefront studio on Logan’s Main Street. Ives directed UPR’s upgrade to digital technology that resulted in Utah State’s student-operated station Fusion HD3.
 “My experience at Utah Public Radio has been extraordinary,” Ives said. “I love the station, our listeners, and Utah. We have accomplished so much over the past few years, and we’re just getting started in securing and extending our reach statewide, developing new program options and collaborating with community and campus partners.”
A national search will be conducted for a new general manager of UPR. The station is a licensee of Utah State University and administered by John Allen who was recently named dean of USU’s new college that includes the humanities and social sciences.