USU Dodgeball Club!

Dear Editor-

First off, I have to give Marty Reeder mad props for his excellent article on the real-life benefits of dodgeball in Wednesday’s Statesman. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially because a dodgeball tournament on the 20th was announced and that’s what the USU Dodgeball Club is all about.

I started the USU Dodgeball Club only recently and we’ve been fighting an uphill battle to make everyone on campus aware of how awesome dodgeball is and how there is now an official club dedicated solely to it. Your article gave us our big chance!

If anyone is interested in sharpening their supa-fly dodgeball skills in preparation for the tournament, why not visit us! Dodgeball Club holds its meetings (playing dodgeball, of course) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5 PM in HPER 201. Even if you’re not ‘training’, per-se, feel free to come anyways! We’d love to have the entire USU campus fired up over Dodgeball! Hope to see you all there!

Anyone interested can check out our website at

-Jared HondaPresident, USU Dodgeball Club

Telephone number: (435) 797-6091