
USU Film Club helps students get a head start in filmmaking

The USU Film Club has been putting in the hard work to develop its members’ skills in filmmaking by working on two different projects at a time. The film club meets weekly to develop the necessary skills and discuss their passion for filmmaking and screenwriting.  

Shad King has been a member of the club for a year. 

“I’d say it’s about creation,” King said. “Just putting out something that would help people inspired by filmmakers, like actually having a place to create the medium they want to experiment with.”  

The groups work on these films under the director’s leadership until the film is complete and ready for viewing. Members of the club give feedback for the scripts. Once the projects are ready to be captured, members will star in each other’s films.  

“We’ll split off into two groups,” King said. “The first of the semester, we organize those groups and what projects we’re working on. So we’ll be a group working on one film, another group working on a different film.”  

The community of like-minded people and the friendships formed appeals to members of the club.  

Lance Mundo, a first-year student, has been a part of the club for about three months. 

“I like to write scripts, and a lot of people like to act,” Mundo said. “In this club, they are able to do it with a bunch of people who share that same vision.” 

Since the club shares their ideas often during club meetings, the projects are constantly growing towards completion.   

“You get a lot more different perspectives and people with different skill sets,” King said. “Some people are really good at editing, some people are really good with composure and others are really good at costuming and makeup.”  

The club has several ideas they want to implement in the coming years. They hope to one day get their films into a film festival, but have yet to do so.  

“We’ve had one other film that’s typically made, but it’s in editing hell right now,” King said. “We’ve never had something go out to a film festival yet.”   

King said he feels confident submitting a film to a festival is possible in the coming years. The club has also discussed ways of getting new actors to star in films through the theater department. Sometimes the club will reach out to other students on campus to help with projects.  

“I’ve talked to other students that had no connection with anything film related, and asked them to play a little part, and they’ve done so,” King said.  

The film club doesn’t require an official sign-up or fees. The only requirement is to bring yourself and your creativity.  

“Just show up,” Mundo said. “Everyone here is really welcoming. You can easily just hop into a project.”  

The club’s focus is on helping its members grow as filmmakers and people.  

“If you want to be the thing you aspire to be, that be a filmmaker, whatever,” King said. “You got to show up and be around people that might challenge you and that are similarly like-minded.”