USU fires Moser

Christopher Loke

Courtney Moser, a manager of the university’s Food Services and director of the Pride! Alliance, was fired last week.

An official statement made by the Pride! Alliance is that the termination of Moser has no impact on the organization, Chad Wright, director of the Pride! Alliance said. He also said the organization is in the process of looking for a new adviser. When asked to comment on Moser’s sudden termination, Wright said he respects Moser as a friend, and therefore, refused to comment.

There was some speculation that the reason Moser was fired was because of an e-mail he sent out, but John DeVilbiss, executive director of the university’s public relations and marketing department, said, “It is unfortunate that a reference was made regarding the e-mail that was allegedly written and distributed by Courtney.”

He said although the e-mail itself has become a reference to Moser’s termination, it is “not the specific basis of the termination.” In fact, DeVilbiss said, Craig Simper, the university’s legal counsel, has denied the termination is based on the e-mail itself.

“Publicly detailing the contents of the e-mail is only satisfying the curiosity of the public,” DeVilbiss said.

He said the termination is a private thing and should remain confidential.

“The university doesn’t have a policy per se regarding e-mails,” DeVilbiss said.

He said the university encourages students to use “common sense” in deciding what is appropriate and what is not when utilizing university resources.

To elaborate his point, DeVilbiss said, “With regards of using university property for private reasons, using a university [e-mail] account to run a business is inappropriate.

“It all falls back on the good judgment of university employees and students,” DeVilbiss said.

He said it is not “common knowledge” that President Kermit L. Hall or any of the members of the university’s administration have also received a copy of the e-mail. DeVilbiss refused to comment on the details and cause of Moser’s sudden termination. He also refused to comment on how the university got hold of the e-mail.

Pat Terrell, vice president for Student Services, said she has nothing to add to the article published in The Herald Journal.

“Personnel matters are very confidential,” she said. “The appropriate person to comment on this is Courtney Moser.”

Terrell refused to comment further on the matter. Moser could not be reached for comments.

DeVilbiss said in regards to The Herald Journal’s article, other than the quoted statements, he does not know where the paper got the story. Moser has been an employee of the university for about 25 years.

“Courtney is one of my best friends ever. He has done more for the gay community in Cache Valley than any single individual here,” said Tim Nuttle, a member of the board of Pride! Alliance. “Being that vocal, makes one vulnerable for attacks.”