USU mail, Can I mail it or Can’t I mail it that is the question?

I know everyone is already fed up with USU Web Mail and so am I, but I tried to have patience with it. Now though, I am very upset and event non Web Mail users are going to be shaking there fists to. I don’t know if any of you like to send stuff with your mail, but watch out, you may have to revert back to hotmail to do it soon. Already USU mail won’t allow .zip files and many others to be sent or received. For those of you who don’t know what a zip is it is compressing a file or data so that it is smaller and can be transferred or e-mail easier. I use zips all of the time, and many professors tell you to zip up your homework and send it to them but do they even tell you that you cant send them any more NO. The list of files you can’t send keeps growing to. Soon they may remove the ability to send any attachment. They say the reasons for these restrictions is that to many people are getting viruses. I know viruses are a problem, but the people that get the viruses should have to deal with it. The system can block a computer if it has a virus. So someone doesn’t keep their virus check program up to date and they open an attachments sent by any Joe Blow, then it’s their own fault if they get a virus and should be blocked. People who take the precautions shouldn’t be punished for a few peoples dumb mistakes. If they mail system can’t handle the problem, we should bag it and get a system that works. Other schools haven’t had all of the problems we have, why should we have to suffer with it.

Steve Prescott