Careers in nutrition and food service management are becoming more prevalent in today’s society as people are jumping on the nutrition bandwagon. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring and people have realized that the nutritious food of today can not only look good, it can taste good as well.

The Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences in the College of Family Life at Utah State University sees the future in management of food and nutrition programs and has created a Master of Dietetics Administration (MDA) degree program for just that purpose.

“Many students majoring in nutrition as an undergrad go on to get a master’s in nutrition, which typically gives the student more science and nutrition courses,” said Noreen Schvaneveldt, registered dietitian, clinical associate professor, and director of the dietetics program at Utah State. “But there is a need in the workforce for experienced dietitians with financial and management skills.”

The MDA program will focus on teaching those financial and management skills necessary for one to succeed in the area of management of clinical, public health, and food service programs. This degree will open doors for many people working as clinical nutritionists, says Schvaneveldt. And with no other program like it in the country, Schvaneveldt believes that many people in the workforce will look forward to broadening their career options by studying in Utah State’s program.

The program will be offered through traditional study on Utah State’s Logan campus. Some courses will also be available through the multimedia and distance learning services program offered by the university.

“Clinical nutritionists throughout Utah will have the opportunity to enroll in our program while at the same time remaining employed,” said Schvaneveldt.

Interested program applicants must have two years of practice as a registered dietitian. Students may apply to the program starting fall semester 2001. For more information contact Schvaneveldt, 435-797-2105.