USU Police find unusual memorial in parking lot

Taylor Underwood

USU Police responded to a call from Parking and Transportation Services and found a memorial in a parking stall in the Nutrition and Food Science lot on Nov. 7.


Capt. Steve Milne of the USU Police Department said someone put a construction cone in a parking stall with a memorial made of flowers and a picture frame.


The frame read as follows:


“A year ago I developed pressure from being harassed at work. I tried to defend myself and my supervisor wrote up lists of things that they hated about me and forced me to put in a apology to my attackers saying that i was ugly, stupid and untalented before they would let me leave their office. I came here to my car and planned my suicide. I had no family, they literally tortured me when I was a child. I have no friends, those kind of experiences change you into a person who isn’t very good at being social, so no one noticed or cared. I found doctors and pills but (at) the end of the day, I still have PTSD. I cannot raise a child or work or go outside without being afraid. These people killed all that I was or ever could be and will suffer no consequences. This is my memorial to me that they murdered that day.”


Milne said the USU Police Department has not received any calls about the memorial.


“We don’t know who put that,” Milne said. “Our obvious concern is their well being and if they’re OK.”


Any individuals who may have information about the person who placed the memorial are encouraged to come forward to campus police. The person is not accused of any crimes, but authorities would like to provide any help if needed.


“It’s either a joke or a person who is really struggling with things that need to be introduced to counselling and get them help and some resources,” Milne said. “They talked about being bullied. In this, can we look into that further to see if there was indeed some bullying and stuff going on to help stand up for this person? We can’t follow up on any of them because we don’t have a lead on who it might be.”