USU QB Keeton OK after injury against Hawaii

TAVIN STUCKI, sports editor


USU football team physician Dr. Trek Lyons gave an update on freshman quarterback Chuckie Keeton’s neck injury in a press conference Monday.

“He had a rapid flexion of his neck,” Lyons said. “With his neck bending forward quickly, it put certain structures at risk. The ligaments on the back side of your spinal column tend to get sprained pretty easily, and the muscles back there also get strained.”

Lyons said the injury is best described as a stinger.

“It is a spinal stinger, not the typical stinger that you get down your arm. It is a little more complicated than that,” Lyons said. “From my understanding, there was no evidence of a fracture or anything with his spine. At this point, it is more of a soft-tissue injury, and there is some nerve involvement.”

Lyons also said Keeton was able to speak and move his limbs while down on the field at Aloha Stadium, but he was carted off the field by medical personnel due to protocol regarding when a spinal injury has or might have occurred.

Head coach Gary Andersen said he does not know who will start in the game against San Jose State on Saturday.

“We’ll have to wait and see,” Andersen said. “If you were to ask (Keeton) right now, he’d probably say he’s starting on Saturday. We’ll see what happens. The backup will be ready if needed.”