USU student media takes home awards at San Francisco conference




Contact: Sara Tangren

Social Media Director / Brand Manager 

at USU Student Media 


USU Attends the 48th Annual CMBAM Convention

College Media Business Advertising Manages 


Logan, UT- March 9, 2020- Utah State University’s Student Media won 15 awards in San Francisco at the annual CMBAM competition. 


First Place Winners:

  • Best Self Promo Audio Ad
  • Best Self-Promotional Multimedia Ad Campaign
  • Best Special Section (highlander) 
  • Best Guerrilla Marketing Strategy Program or Event
  • Best College Multimedia Program 


Second Place Winners:

  • Best Digital Display Ad
  • Best Audio or Underwriting Spot
  • Best Video Ad or Underwriting Spot


Third Place Winners:

  • Best Self Promo Audio Ad 


Honorable Mentions:

  • Best Audience Engagement Strategy 
  • Best Display Ad (half page or larger)
  • Best Audio Ad or Underwriting Spot
  • Best Public Relations or Marketing Manager- Ari Romo-Gonzalez
  • Best Graphic Designer- Savannah Knapp


Utah State took seven students to showcase their work. Natalie Lott, Office Manager for USU student media spoke about her experience at CMBAM, “It was really fun traveling to San Francisco, I learned so much. They had different breakout sessions which were all so beneficial,” she said. “If you work in student media you don’t just do one thing, you do a bunch of differen things. It was really helpful to go back and forth from different sectors inside student media. We have so many great ideas coming from CMBAM and it just brought us closer together as a team.” 


USU Student Media was competing against 125 universities nationwide and placed fourth in Best Student Media Company overall. Utah State University has been actively competing in CMBAM since 2017. 


CMBAM’s Mission Statement: Committed to providing learning and career opportunities through conventions and member communications as well as foster leadership development, strive for the highest standards of industry knowledge and continue to be an advocate for our members.




For more information please contact Sara Tangren at (435) 632-4398 or at