USU students invited to national contest

Lindsey Parrott

Eleven Utah State University undergraduate research students have been invited to present their work at the National Posters on the Hill on April 1 in Washington D.C.

“We’re just blown away. It is just an amazing tribute to our students and faculty,” said Joyce Kinkead, vice president for Undergraduate Studies and Research.

Only 60 students in the nation are invited to the event.

Kinkead said the contest is an example of the quality work students at USU are doing and hopes it will convince other students to participate in undergraduate research.

“This speaks well of the diversity of federal agencies that fund research projects at Utah State University,” she said.

Some of the agencies include USDA, NASA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In years past, Kinkead said there has only been a maximum of two students from USU chosen each year.

Amber Williams, a senior majoring in biology, who was invited to present her poster, said, “I am so excited and I was really surprised.”

Williams did research along with two other students on the USDA board.

The event is sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). Their mission is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship.

The students will present their posters to legislative delegations and federal funding agencies to “try and get more funding,” Williams said.

Some of the posters have more than one author. These students and other faculty mentors will be featured at the event.