USU students to vote on issue

Doug Smeath

Utah State University students will be voting in the near future on a proposed change to the Associated Students of USU constitution.

The vote, which will have to be called by new ASUSU President Steve Palmer, comes after the outgoing ASUSU Executive Council voted by consensus at its last weekly meeting Tuesday to approve ECB 01-16, a piece of legislation that would remove Article VII from the constitution.

Although the bill passed without any objection or debate because it calls for a change in the constitution, it must be put to a vote before the USU student body.

Article VII of the constitution currently calls for the appointment of a Student Alumni Association president to head the SAA. It also sets forth the duties and restrictions of the SAA president.

However, according to ECB 01-16, the SAA is not presently operating under the jurisdiction of ASUSU, invalidating Article VII.

No date has been determined for the student body vote.